My name is Collin Monda and I make films.

Generally speaking, I’m a creator.
I make films, tell stories, design animation, shoot video, and snap photos. I compose music, brew beer, and dabble in molecular gastronomy. I aim for truly memorable. I’m looking to make something great, each and every time.

To me, each project is an educated experiment, a question posed to answer based off of insight from brilliant work of varying origins. Each answer is a statement that often melds innovative or unconventional pieces together, pushing them into new territory. Like a roll of exposed film to a good photographer, I’m excited to see exactly what new magic will develop in the end.

Whether I’m telling a story through film or creating the right video to support clients and their needs, my ambition is the same. Simply well-made videos or artfully constructed experiences aren’t enough these days. We need work that challenges every one of us to experience something differently, that delivers a story in a way we’ve never heard, seen, read, or experienced before. Not just for audiences, but to also challenge fellow creators to collectively forge ahead and explore what the future of content can be.

This is my philosophy, cultivated over 15 years of making films personally and commercially.

If you share this vision, let’s get to work!
(206) 550-4428 |